
Madrid Köln

juni 30, 2010

Grrrr, I so hate these days, the weather is just perfect and allmost all my friends are leaving to Madrid. I should have booked the trip some weeks ago aswell instead of waiting… It’s all too expensive now to go just for Sunday-Monday. Some weeks ago I could have arranged with my boss not to work on Saturday, then I would have been able to from thursdayevening till mondayevening…

ANYWAY I can’t complain, these last months, it’s not like I’ve been sitting @ home… I’ve been going to the coast for a birthdayparty, twice to London, been going out in Köln one evening, Antwerp a couple of times, stayed in Brussels some days a few times… And all this in the first half of the year, with many more plans to happen, like going to Barcelona, Berlin, London again, Amsterdam, Paris maybe, Italy perhaps… Nothing is fixed yet, and I prefer it that way for the moment.

But for this weekend, as most of my friends are going away, I cannot sit @ home, I need to do something, so the next best thing after Madrid would be Köln, as there is a very good deal in the Thalys-offers, I might go with Merwan just for the night. Tonight it will be decided ;).

And if that doesn’t go through, I’ll end up in Antwerp (again!), but no, I ain’t staying home this weekend! Summer’s in! I’m out!


The little mermaid versus my life…

juni 30, 2010

As most of my friends know, my all time favourite Disney movie is The Little Mermaid. Most of them find it ridiculous or childish or just plain stupid. Over these last few days I’ve been wondering why this movie appeals to me so much and I think I finally found an answer.

You all know the story, so no need to recapitulate…

The fact that she has a dream, a goal and she’s willing to go very far to get where she wants to be, and when finally she does, is where the magic is for me. She’s not afraid to take on risks, disobeying her father, being naive in trusting other people…

I also do like the underwater world, mmm mermen, hehe, where’s the time that I’m imagining I am one when I’m diving in a pool, being free to move where you want, up, down, left, right,… so much more possibilities 😉

So I guess it’s a mixture of different elements that make me love the movie and make me watch it over and over again

and again

and again…


Gay Pride Antwerp

juni 29, 2010

Ow boy, did I just had one of the best weekends of the year. Maybe because it was all so unexpected it turned out so well!

It started with thursday evening. A month ago I got to know someone from Barcelona, who was visiting Brussels for La Demence. As I was occupied those days we didn’t meet, although he had seen me, but didn’t want to disturb me. (Very kind of him but I’m rarely disturbed…). So we didn’t got the chance to meet then but he told me he’d be back in Belgium for the Antwerp pride which took place last weekend, we arranged that we’d meet then, and so it was, thursday evening I was going to pick him up and we’d have a drink together somewhere in Antwerp.

So, I usually try to speak with people online or in mail or something else, so I could have a clue about their likes and dislikes, in order to know what to expect from them, and so I could find out where to take them. But mister Barcelona didn’t really talk a lot online, so I was left a bit in the dark about “who” he really was, it all adds up to the mystery, and do I love mysteries! It intrigues me :p
Anyway, after some texting and some calls I finally arrived where I would pick him up, and there he was, a very cool guy, you could tell at first sight. Allready a pleasure for the eye, it would be a nice evening. So I finally met Nacho, I asked him where he wanted to go, but it was all up to me and so I took him to Bocadero, a summer event at the Schelde, partly organised by good friends of mine. It seemed like the perfect location for us to have a drink, it felt like Belgium and Barcelona at the same time. Nice good music, sand, cocktails, perfect weather… But as we were almost by ourselves, and some of his friends were going to Popi café to have a drink, I didn’t object to go there aswell. I don’t want to force people to stay with me and with me only 😉
Arriving @ the popi his friends didn’t seem to be there, so we still were alone, except from some drunk woman next to us who wouldn’t stop bothering us, telling us how goodlooking we were, smiling @ us and trying to have a conversation. I barely understood what she was saying, because it seemed to be a mixture of languages, I don’t remember if she was flemish, french or english or any other language. Anyway, N and me were exchanging weird looks about her. But it was fun. Receiving compliments always feel nice.
As N and me have had a busy day, me working and him travelling, we “quickly” (it was allready 2 pm I think, could be later, don’t remember :p) got into the car and drove back. I don’t have to work on Friday, so as N suggested I could stay for the night, I didn’t have to think twice and accepted the invitation. It was very nice, that’s all I will write about that part here 😉

On fridays, in the afternoon I started to prepare to go to Frank, who was organising a BBQ for a “select” group of friends. It was more then a 1 hour drive, but it was worth it. A nice evening with all the people I love, uncomplicated, unforced… A relaxed evening. They even got me to go to the fair in Antwerp afterwards, another trip of an hour, and I had to work the next day :s. I got home at 2 or something like that.

Saturday went by very slowly, @ work that is… I wanted it to be 18h so quickly so i could go home, change into my white outfit and head for the white party. I was going there with my supersexy friend Delor. There wasn’t really a good ambiance at the white party. It started to improve when it went dark. I guess it’s just not flattering to see some gays all white and in daylight. The place seemed to be to big aswell. They should have closed an area to get more people together. I met N there again, he’s was so cute hehe. As the white party came to an end at midnight and I still hadn’t eaten my dinner yet, I invited him to join me to grab something quickly before heading to R&B, but as we are gay, offcourse we needed to change it another outfit :p.
The Red&Blue was for once again in a long time very nice. The music was good, the ambiance was pleasant, lots of people, a lovely mixture, many people I know, didn’t know, recently got to know and some I hadn’t seen in ages. Although it was too crowded in the begining, which I don’t like, coz I need some place to shake my ass off (and with my big feet, i do need some more then others!) Halfway through the night I couldn’t stop myself from dancing around, laughing, jumping, drinking and other things to do. It was a very wonderfull evening and I ended up staying with N again in his hotel. We arrived around 7 so N asked for a late checkout, luckily, cos i got up when it was 13h 🙂

On sundays we went with a friend of Nacho’s, Fred, to Bocadero and had a drink before chillin’ and then we went to Mezzio Giorno, but we were all exhausted from the R&B the night before, so we did leave rather quickly.

So in the end, I got home on Mondays, my mother was calling me because she expected me to be home on Saturdaynight… ooops 😉 well anyway, It was a very nice weekend, nice weather, nice parties, but most of all, I liked the company I was in, my friends and my new friends-to-be… 😉

So i’m walking around with a smile on my face, thinking about the last weekend and wondering what to do the next. I’ve been asked repeatedly to go to Madrid, and although I really want to, I need to get my budget checked before making plans…



april 15, 2010

I really should try again to make an effort of this blog of mine… It’s all Facebook’s fault :p It’s like a blog over there aswell!

Anyway, This weekend i’m going to London! JOY! I’ll try to post something about this trip next week! That seems like a good re-start!



januari 24, 2010

As I’m planning to go independant in the future, I’ve been thinking about a logo, this came up… What do you think?


november 11, 2009

What keeps me going

november 6, 2009

is my search for beauty! Beautifull colours,  compositions, design & architecture. To see so much inspiration gives me energy, wants me to create aswell! Though I don’t have to equipment to do what I really want to do, it makes me dream about later, when I will have it, and be able to do what I wanna do – amaze people!



november 6, 2009

Where’s my smile?

I’m lacking of energy, I need peace, I need to relax, I need to get away. My mind can’t stop thingking, i find no rest.
If I could just stop it all, sleep for days in a row, weeks in a row, get up and everything is how it should be.

I find it hard to organize my life for the moment, I guess I’ll be fine in the future, but that’s what I tell myself all the time. Just sometimes I wish someone could come to me and help me, tell me what to do..

But I guess, in life you’re alone, only the strong survive, they won’t help weak people getting stonger, that would be against nature’s laws…


Een mooie Buren langs de Lebeaustraat

november 6, 2009

Al van voor wij in Brussel woonden, nml. de Lebeaustraat, waren er al openbare werken aan de gang in onze omgeving. De omliggende straten en het gerechtsplein werden stelselmatig vernieuwd om de “verloren hoek” wat meer te integreren in het Brusselse straatbeeld.

Nu, sinds enkele weken is alles afgewerkt – godzijdank! – hoor ik hier en daar toch wel slechte kritiek, vooral op het kunstwerk van Daniel Buren op het gerechtsplein.
Het kunstwerk omvat 89 gele masten in een grid op het hellende plein, maar ze eindigen allen op dezelfde hoogte zodat een horizontaal vlak wordt gecreëerd.
Aan deze masten (die tot 12m hoog gaan) hangen grote vlaggen met de lijntekening waar Buren zo voor gekend is (de witte lijndikte is 8,2mm dik en wordt steeds met 1zelfde kleur gescheiden). De vlaggen kunnen 360°ronddraaien, dus de wind heeft vrijspel en zorgt voor verschillende belevingen van het plein.

– to be continued – if not forgotten


Living life :) (part 1)

oktober 6, 2009

Zo, even een update voor mezelf en anderen, het voorbije jaar is er zoooooveel gebeurd en veranderd dat ik er soms zelf niet goed van word!!!!

We beginnen bij het begin, ik ben eindelijk afgestudeerd als Master in de Interieurarchitectuur… Dit diploma komt mooi naast mijn Bachelor in de Interieurvormgeving. Blijkbaar heb ik ook een Bachelor in de Interieurarchitectuur, maar deze geldt niet echt als diploma, deze was eerder een “halfweg”. Maar als ik echt wil stoeffen, ik kan zeggen dat ik 3 diploma’s heb.
Het heeft me wel wat jaren gekost, 8 jaar om exact te zijn, 2 jaar langer dan voorzien, maar hey, ik heb ze dan toch.

(voor degene die het gedetailleerder willen:
            1 jaar Architectuur (gestopt met Pasen wegens te zwaar en niet mijn ding, het was echter
                verplicht dit 2 jaar te volgen voor het splitste in Arch en Int Arch.)
            3 jaar Interieurvormgeving
            4 jaar Schakelprogramma Interieurarchitectuur (zijn er normaal 2, maar ik had wat meer    
                tijd nodig)
Dus in totaal 8 jaar, en dit allemaal op de WENK (Sint-Lucas Gent, Departement Architectuur).

Vorig jaar ben ik ook de man van mijn leven tegen het lijf gelopen, wel eigelijk is hij in mijn ogen verdronken… Hij moet me ergens in het voorjaar van 2007 gezien hebben toen ik uitging in het gay-party concept van Brussel, La Demence (Fuse). Blijkbaar had hij schrik van de Belgen want toen had ik niet in de gaten dat hij naar mij zat te staren.
Hij, zijnde van Parijs – oorspronkelijk Lyon – heeft me dan maar via de (in-)directe wegen van het internet contact gezocht en ik, verbaasd als ik was dat zo’n gespierde man mezelf een gewone jongen aantrekkelijk vind!. Ik dacht altijd muscles search muscles, dus had ik al verschillende keren me ingeschreven in de gym maar zonder vol te houden en dus ook zonder enige duidelijk resultaat… Maar dus we hebben elkaar leren kennen en sinds 16 maart 2009 – na veel heen en weer gereis Parijs-Brussel – wonen we dus samen in een appartement hartje Brussel aan de Zavel, heerlijk dichtbij alle chocolatiers!!!! mmmmmm